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Feed Pick Up: Friday

  • Flower Feather Farm 6017 Medcalf Rd Bellingham, WA, 98226 United States (map)


  • 6017 Medcalf Road, NORTH driveway. We are about 12 minutes off of the Meridian 1-5 exit and 2-4 minutes off of the Hannegan or the Guide, respectively.

  • Please back in: easier to load and safer to pull out.

  • If the feed is in the shed, put on some booties for bio-security. They are in the red nesting boxes the north driveway. If your feed is in the driveway, you can skip the booties.

  • Find the checklist.

  • Find your bags. Premium Layer is usually on the pallet, all else is iusually on the front porch of the Chickery shed.

  • Triple check the labels to make sure you got what you expected to get.

  • Cross your name off of the list.

  • Put some bills in the tip jar for the hard-working kids who unloaded and sorted the pallets for us.

December 21

Feed Pick Up: Saturday