DOVETAIL: My Favorite Overalls
Over the past three years I have been buying and testing out overalls, looking for what works best for me. The winner is . . . Dovetails! This PNW woman-owned company makes durable hard-working workwear for durable hard-working women like you and me.

Last month it got down to -17 with windchill and even though I wore silk longjohns under my wool longjohns under my leggings & flannel shirt under my ski pants under my ski overalls under my down vest under my down coat and accessorized with wool socks, gloves, hat, and neck gaiter, I was still still getting chilled and had to come in mid-chores and warm up and go out again.
Then my friend Mary Lou told me about RefrigiWear. Thank you MaryLou!

As my dahlia business has grown, I am blessed with orders from across the country, which, of course, need to be shipped. Each of the past three years I have tried a different shipping interfaces and have finally settled on one: ShipStation. I am so pleased with it, in fact, that I have signed up as an affiliate. So if you click through any of these links I make a little $$ and you get a free trial. Just want to be up-front about that.

Puzzle Board
Winters are for listening to audio books and working on puzzles whilst a snuggly kitty purrs on one’s lap.

Cup Holder Tissues
Tissues that fit in your cup-holder! Smart!

Best Gifts for Gardeners
As a woman who loves to garden and who loves receive gifts, I have lots to say about the best gifts for gardeners.

Best Robot Vacuum
I've had iRobot's Roombas and Sharks. The Sharks perform better and cost less.

Keto Snack Bars: Genius Gourmet
Many of the Keto snack products are glorified sawdust, but not this one. Flavorful, textured, nutty, crispy. My favorite.

Snail & Slug Control: Sluggo
This is the best slug control. Once a week we sprinkle pet-safe Sluggo around the outer edges of our gardens and raised beds and we experience very little slug damage and see very few slugs.