Bawk Tawk

Incubating Eggs the SAFE Way with Flower Feather Farm

Dalia Monterroso, author of Let’s All Keep Chickens, and President of Chickenlandia, honored us with an invitation to be a Bawk Tawk guest. And, as you know, I love to chat about chickens, so off we went.

Dalia asked good questions and we chatted our way through Flower Feather Farm’s origin story, incubation equipment recommendations, sourcing quality hatching eggs, best hatching practices, the hatching process, reasonable fertility and hatch rate expectations, and hemp bedding.

Thank you again Dalia, for honoring me with this opportunity.

If this has been a helpful post, please share it on social media to help spread it around -- tag @FlowerFeatherFarm -- and/or leave a comment. Comments make me happy.


Four Questions to Ask a Chick Seller


Hatching Eggs