ISA Brown Chick

from $25.00

These are sweet, sturdy, and pretty layers of many medium and large brown eggs. Sexed at hatch as females are brown and males are white.

Friendly and sociable, these are my go-to birds if I just want eggs, lots and lots of eggs, up to 320 a year.

The ISA stands for Institut de Sélection Animale, the French group that developed this hybrid in 1978 for superior egg laying. As a hybrid, the genetics that contribute to the superior egg-laying are limited to one generation. We can’t breed our ISA Browns and expect the same result, so I do bring in the hatching eggs from a hatchery licensed to sell this proprietary hybrid.

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If we don’t have the chicks you want on hand right now, or you desire a later hatch date, it is easy to reserve the chicks you want. Follow the instructions here: Reserve Chicks.

Alternately, you can sign up on the notification list above to be notified if there are chicks available after the Reserve requests have been filled.  I will add the chicks to the website and you will get a notification email and can buy them off the website. 

“The ISA Brown is a crossbreed of chicken, with sex-linked coloration. It is thought to have been the result of a complex series of crosses including but not limited to Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites, and contains genes from a wide range of breeds, the list of which is a closely guarded secret. It is known for its high egg production of approximately 300 eggs per hen in the first year of laying” (Wikipedia).

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