Marans: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten -- Juveniles & Adults

from $10.00

a Flower Feather Farm flock

Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Marans lay the dark chocolate brown eggs, just as the Black Copper Marans, but to my eyes are a prettier bird. The roosters are especially stunning and contribute a dark brown egg gene to your flock.

Pictures of the chicks are in the Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Marans Chicks listing.

IF I have pullets or hens available, which is rare, they will appear when you selet them on the drop-down list. Learn why this is a rare occurrence here.

Chocolate Brown Egg Layers! Yes Please!

Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Marans chick enjoys the sun.

Next Hatching

“The Marans, French: Poule de Marans, is a breed of chicken from the port town of Marans, in the département of Charente-Maritime, in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of south-western France. It was created with the local feral chickens descended from fighting game chickens carried from Indonesia and India. Those original Marandaise fowl were "improved" for the table through recombination with imported Croad Langshans. A favourite at poultry shows, it is a dual-purpose fowl known both for its extremely dark eggs and fine meat qualities.

Marans History

The Marans originated in Marans, France, and were imported into the United Kingdom in the 1930s.

Marans Characteristics

Ten colours are recognised in the French breed standard for large fowl: white, wheaten, silver cuckoo, golden cuckoo, black, copper-black, silver-black, copper-blue, black-tailed buff and Columbian. Bantam colours are black, white, copper-black and silver cuckoo. Fourteen colours are listed by the Entente Européenne. In the United Kingdom only five are recognised – black, copper-black, dark cuckoo, golden cuckoo and silver cuckoo.

They should have orange eyes. The shanks are usually slate or pink, the soles of the feet should always be white as Marans have white skin, not yellow. Though the original Marans could also be feather-legged birds, British breeders preferred the clean-legged version, and thus feather-legged Marans are now mainly found in France and the United States. The Australian Poultry Standard recognises both feather- and clean-legged. The American Poultry Association only recognises feather-legged.

Marans eggs

Marans hens lay around 150–200 dark brown eggs each year depending on the variety. Marans are historically a dual-purpose bird, prized not only for their dark eggs but for their table qualities as well” (Wikipedia).

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