Hemp Bedding

I am really happy to be able to acquire, and to offer to you, Hemp Bedding. Hemp Bedding is made from the stems and stalks of the hemp plant which make a terrific bedding product. It is far less dusty then pine shavings or wood pellets, holds down the smell tremendously, and doesn’t need to be removed and replaced each week. Just clean out the big poo chucks and toss a little more on top. About once a year, you can remove all of it and voilà, you have wonderful material for your compost pile.

The hemp we offer is considered to be the Gold Standard in hemp bedding, grown with regenerative chemical-free methods in France by a generational lineage of master hemp farmers.

The bedding comes in 32” x 18” x 12" bales of 44 pounds. One bale should fill a 10’ x 10’ area a little less than 6 inches deep and will fulfill your bedding or litter needs for that area for about a year.

Two sizes of particles are available. I use the Aubiose product — the Horse/Goat size — to put down on the floor of my coops — we just put it on top of the sand (which I liked, but did get damp and smelly) — and in the goat’s sleeping area. I put AubiChick product in the nesting boxes and the brooder boxes. The AubiZoo product is the same as the AubiChick, just a smaller bag which is more convenient if you are using it for your hamsters and so forth.

We can ship it to you anywhere in the United States, but to be fair, if you are not near the Pacific NW it would probably save you money to purchase your hemp bedding directly from American Natural Materials or on Amazon. Be sure check all three to make sure you get the best price.

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