Swedish Flower Hens Hatchlings & Chicks & Hatching Eggs

I’ve spent so much time seeking out hatching eggs for special requests recently that I have neglected to talk about one of my favorite flocks here at Flower Feather Farm, my Swedish Flower Hens, aka Skånsk Blommehöna, for those of you who speak Swedish.

Swedish Flower Hen Rooster

These beautiful birds evolved naturally in Sweden, living off the land without human influence. Swedish Flower Hens lay cream-colored eggs and are good foragers, good predator avoiders, and oh so pretty. They come with or without crests and we have chicks for sale year-round.

Unlike many breeds that are recognized by the APA and have a Standard of Perfection look, Swedish Flower Hens come in all sorts of colors and color patterns and make, thereby, a more interesting and prettier flock, in my humble and clearly biased opinion. Rather like a bouquet of flowers: similar, but all different.

Hatching Eggs: Swedish Flower Hens
from $36.00

You will receive a half-dozen eggs from Gandalf and Legolas and their ladies, Sunflower, Marigold, Paprika, Autumn, Caramel, and Apricot.

I usually get 84% fertility and 82% hatch rate with these.

Order now to get in the queue. When your turn comes up I will check-in with you to see if you are ready.

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How to Reserve Chicks at Flower Feather Farm

