
Hatched my first round of eggs from our own ladies and gentleman today. 100% fertility and 100% hatch rate from the Jubilee Orpingtons, the Swedish Flower Hens, and the Salish Seascapes. Not a single chick lagged behind or needed help. Everyone is perky and running about. I am beyond impressed.

I attribute this to the following:

  • really healthy robust flocks since I switched to fermented Natural Farm Feeds Premium Layer feed and afternoon snacks of Black Oil Sunflower Seeds and Triticale/Barley Scratch.

  • really good incubators: Brinsea Ovation Ex.

  • reliable hatching system.

  • excellent kitten supervisors. Cupcake and Cookie paid keen attention to the whole process. You can see Cookie here, checking out her new floofy friends.

Cookie and the Chicks

Cookie and the chickies.

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Swedish Flower Hens Hatchlings & Chicks & Hatching Eggs


Endangered Chickens