Natural Farm Feeds

Natural Farm Feeds Premium Layer

Natural Farm Feeds Premium Layer

As many of you know, I am very enthusiastic about the non-GMO soy-free and corn-free chicken feed from Natural Farm Feeds. I participate in a buying co-op that orders this by the pallet from Spokane, Washington. When we got started with the buying co-op in Whatcom County we only had enough participation for one pallet and one drop site. But we have grown!

Moving forward, Flower Feather Farm will be hosting a drop site in our new Chickery. Those of you in West Whatcom County will still want to use the first group: Natural Farm Feeds Ferndale Pick Up, Any of you in East or Northeast County or Bellingham or that regularly travel the Guide or the Hannegan will want to use the new group: Natural Farm Feeds at Flower Feather Farm. We are about 12 minutes off of the Meridian 1-5 exit and 2-5 minutes off of the Hannegan or the Guide, respectively.

Natural Farm Feeds also offer sheep and goat and pig feed and a bunch of feed supplements.

How to get started:

  1. Join the Facebook group Natural Farm Feeds at Flower Feather Farm.

  2. Find the post for this month’s order (example: September Feed Order)

  3. Follow the link to the Google.Docs order form.

  4. Total up your order.

  5. Send the money to Robin Walker

  6. Watch for an announcement about pick-up dates.

Price for a 50 pound bag of Premium Layer varies a little bit, based on how many orders on on the pallet, but it is generally $25 a bag, or 50 cents a pound. We ferment it and increase both the feed and the nutrition thereby and the girls love it. On the sad occasion that I ran out and had to go back to our previous food for a week I got the chicken stink eye en masse. Not an experience I want to repeat.

I am happy to teach you how to ferment your feed. First, read up on it at What to Feed Chicks and Hens and then schedule yourself an Appointment. It is so easy.

In addition, I will continue my practice of keeping an extra bag or two on hand for those of you that want to try it or who run out. No extra charge for this, just keep us in mind when you need quality hatchlings and well-loved chicks.

If this has been a helpful post, please share it on social media to help spread it around -- tag @FlowerFeatherFarm -- and/or leave a comment. Comments make me happy.


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