Fermented Feed

Here is a one-minute tutorial on how we ferment the Natural Farm Feeds products.

In a 5 gallon bucket that has the remains of the last batch still in it, we add 2 gallons of water, 1 cup Fertrell’s Poultry Nutra-Balancer, 4 quarts of Natural Farm Feeds Broiler feed, and stir.

If you keep roosters in your flock, you will probably want to avoid the Layer products as they include calcium, which the hens process through but it accumulates in the roosters and contributes to gout. I do have roosters so I feed the Broiler/Grower line and offer eggshells and calcium separately.

Also, did you know we now order extra and keep some on hand to help you out if you run out? We do!

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Olive Eggers


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