Washington Poultry Peeps

Did you know that I maintain a list of Washington State breeders? My thinking is that if my chicks aren’t what you are looking for I would rather help you find some from another farmer than have you buy them at the feed store. Why not the feed store? Shipped Chicks.

To be included, organize your infomation to match the other listings and then send that information to me at Flower Feather Farm.

All I ask is that you do at least four of these five easy things:

  1. Follow us on Instagram.

  2. Like and Follow our Facebook Farm Page.

  3. Join us for all the Chick Chat at NW Washington Chicken Peeps / Whatcom Chicken Wonks.

  4. Sign up for our monthly Newsletter.

  5. Regularly share the link to the Breeder Listings on your Social Media accounts.

Community, not Competition.
— my chicken mentor, Kristy Thom of Feather & Bloom PNW

If this has been a helpful post, please share it on social media to help spread it around -- tag @FlowerFeatherFarm -- and/or leave a comment. Comments make me happy.


Juvenile or Grow-Out Care and Housing


Freedom Ranger Meat Chicks