Best Flock on the Block: Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Ameraucanas

My Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Ameraucanas are quickly becoming my favorite flock. They are such easy-keepers, sociable, gentle, and laying so well right now. And so so cute.

Look at how Daddy is keeping the little ones cozy on a chilly night.

The girls will be either wheaten or blue wheaten, and the boys will be either blue wheaten or splash wheaten. Conveniently, we are usually able to tell within a couple weeks of hatch. You can see the lovely blue undertones in the first two pullets, the third one will grow up Wheaten.

And here are some lovely adult wheaten hens. I love the cheek floofs on the second one. And check out the glimmer on the feather close-up.

Blue eggs too!

And the roosters. Swoon.

I go out every night to put the chickens to bed. Coop one — the Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Ameraucanas coop — is already on the roost when I arrive, even the little ones. They sit up there and chatter and cuddle and are the cutest ever. And, because they are such good layers, I will have lots of chicks this spring.

You can learn how to reserve some Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Ameraucanas chicks here. And you can track the next hatching with available chicks here:

I can’t recommend these highly enough. They are lovely in appearance and temperament and weathered this winter’s cold snap with ease.

Best Flock on the Block: My Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Ameraucanas

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What makes your chicks so much more expensive than the ones at the Feed Store?


Just Want Pullets