Flower Feather Farm is a small specialty chick and dahlia farm in the NW corner of Washington State. Each spring, we ship dahlia tubers across the country and spend each summer growing next year's tubers.
To avoid complications, PLEASE READ the Dahlia Pre-Sale FAQs prior to ordering for details about:
using the WishList
adding on to your order
when to expect your order
expectations of tuber appearance
identifying your tubers when they arrive
cancelling your order
After we ship the existing orders, we will count up what remains and restock the Wait-Listed varieties.
To receive news about when this happens:
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Try to put a sold-out variety in your cart — this will trigger the Waitlist Signup mechanism. When I add inventory, you will get an email. But so will everyone else, so be fast.

a Garden blog
It’s time to start thinking about lifting up our tubers and getting ready for the storage season. Here are some tips and tools we use for this process.
Tubers can be skinny, or lumpy, or wrinkly, or blobby, or gnarled, or wizened. Just like people. And they are all good. All you need is an eye — which will become a spout — and you will get a plant that will produce blooms and more tubers.
This is what your gardener friend would like to find in his or her stocking this year.
Video walkthrough of tuber division, some literary references, positive self-talk, and a cat.
Red Velvet Dahlia Collection: Some dahlias just belong in a vase together: Arabian Night, Bacardi, Cafe au Lait Rose, Diva, Maldini, My Hero, Thomas Edison
It’s almost time to start digging the dahlia tubers. I wait until after the first frost, putting it off as long as possible. In these last few weeks of dahlia blooms, I take lots of pictures, map out my planting groups for next year, and savor the last bouquets. Because I am a gal who loves lists, here is my Autumn Dahlia Care ToDo List.
I find myself making this bouquet over and over again. I just love how the colors flow together and yet the shapes and textures are so different. I have therefore assembled them into a collection so you can shop the bouquet so-to-speak.
What Do You Charge for Shipping?
Can I Add On to My Order?
When Do You Ship?
Am I Guaranteed a Tuber if I Shop the Pre-Sale?
What if You Can’t Send My Tuber?
What if I Want to Cancel My Order?
Why Did You Sell Out So Fast?
I get it. You order, and then later you want to order another one, but you don’t want to pay full shipping. I wouldn’t either. So this year, in your dahlia order confirmation email, you will receive a discount code for reduced shipping on your next order. This will be available up until I ship your initial order or April 15th 2024, whichever comes first.
Permanent identification tags for dahlias. Use them to plan your planting and later to identify your plants and tubers.
This vase is The. Dahlia. Vase. Whether your bouquet has 3 stems or 30, this vase will hold them upright and make them look good.
Here is the process, if it helps you understand why I can’t ship any faster than I already am.
So, you place your order (yay!) and then next week you get a notification that I have restocked and something on your Wishlist is now available. But . . . you don’t really want to pay full shipping to get that one more tuber, and I understand that, I wouldn’t want to either.
I have a solution for this.
Because I believe in Community, not Competition, I maintain a list of Washington Dahlia Farms. If we don’t have the tubers you want here at Flower Feather Farms: chicks & dahlias, try one of these other local farms. Support your local farmers!
Mid-September we were visited, queried, inspected, and approved by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. She looked for pests, diseases, and other hazards and found none. Hurray!
Labyrinth is one of my new favorites — so much variety and beauty. From today until midnight on Monday the 28th, these lovelies are $5 off, no discount code required. If you caught any of the discount codes floating around on Social Media, you can add that as well!
After lifting, cleaning, and drying the tubers, it’s time to divide and store them. Here are some tips and tools we use for this process.
I am so excited to share this with you.
Paul and Barbara Bloomquist — Whatcom County Dahlia Royalty, hybridizers of 100s of show dahlias, and winners of at least a dozen dahlia show prizes — came and shared at my garden club last weekend. Of course I took copious notes and here are all the juicy tidbits, in the order in which we need them this fall.
Was your favorite tuber wait-listed? If it comes available later, you can add-on to your original order to save on shipping.
I think one of the reasons I enjoy growing dahlias as much as I do is that they take the sting out of the end of summer and the onset of the grey wet season. Here are our beds, rejoicing in the October sun.
Last spring my clever husband built new raised beds for the dahlias out of scrap roofing material. See the progress from spring to autumn.
In this blog post I will cover: How to Store Dahlia Tubers Review ( from Tips & Tools for Dividing & Storing Dahlia Tubers); Temperature Control for Overwintering Dahlia Tubers; Humidity Control for Overwintering Dahlia Tubers; Devices for Monitoring Temperature and Humidity for Overwintering Dahlia Tubers
The first post of a garden blog should start with a bit of poetry, don’t you agree? For what is a flower garden, but a poem for the eyes?
As a woman who loves to garden and who loves receive gifts, I have lots to say about the best gifts for gardeners. Best Overall Gift for Gardeners, Best Gardening Garb Gifts, Best Gardening Tools Gifts, Best Gardening Gear Gifts, especially thoughtful for your Vintage Gardener, Best Garden Watering Gear Gifts, Best Garden Raised Bed Gift, Best After-Gardening Care Gifts, Best Garden Bling Gifts, Best Dahlia Gardener Gifts, Best Indoor Gardener Gifts