All Things Broody

Getting lots of broody hen questions these days; the ladies must be trying to get one more round in before winter.

Is this a new term for you? A broody hen is a hen that sits in her nest all day and grumps at you when you catch her attention. She wants to hatch some chicks. Many people sneak chicks underneath her to speed the process along, as a hen that is broody for too long can become very ill, given that she doesn’t get up and move about and eat and drink properly.

We have successfully snuck chicks up to two-weeks old under a broody hen. Mama hen is happy and the chicks get a real live snuggly mama. And we don’t have to clean the brooder. Everyone wins!

You can read all our tips about how to do this at How to Sneak Chicks Under a Broody Hen (don’t overlook the post on Beaver Bum Secretions, aka Imitation Vanilla).

Here are some tips about how we Keep our Broody and her Babies with the Flock, though it is easier to see than just read about:

And of course, we have chicks ready for you. Click here to see the current selection of Chicks Available at Flower Feather Farm.

If this has been a helpful post, please share it on social media to help spread it around -- tag @FlowerFeatherFarm -- and/or leave a comment. Comments make me happy.


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