How to Sneak Hatchlings under Your Broody Hen

Broody Mama and her New-to-Her Chicks

The first time I tried this, I put them in front of her in daylight and she promptly pecked them. Back to the house with that batch!

Now I use the Imitation Vanilla trick (has to be imitation) and then sneak in after dark, distract her with one hand in front of her, and slip the chicks in from the back. I remove the eggs and depart, leaving her in the dark.

The chicks burrow into her feathers and by morning, when she can see and inspect them, they all smell like her, so she thinks they are hers and voilà! you have solved your problem of a broody hen as well as eased your task of hand-raising chicks in a brooder.

One of my customers sent me this precious clip a couple days after sneaking the chicks in. Mama is happy. Chickies are happy. It makes me happy.

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Sticky Chick


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