Heat Management

Heat Management for Chicken Flocks

We are expecting an epic heat wave — 12 degrees higher than the prior record — this week and so many of the things we are doing to help our flocks weather this are untested. Nevertheless, this is what we are doing to prepare:

  • We have frozen numerous yogurt tubs of water which we will drop into out 5-gallon watering buckets. The water will melt and simultaneously replenish and cool the water.

  • Because dipping their beaks in water gives them more water and cools them better, in addition to the nipple waterers mentioned above, we are freezing water dishes and then setting them out in the shade for the birds.

  • We over-picked blueberries a couple of seasons ago, so we are including handfuls of frozen blueberries in the above-mentioned bowls.

  • In the north end of the eaves, we have a box fan blowing to pull the hot air up and away.

  • We have removed many of the window coverings from The Chickery to increase air-flow.

  • We have sprinklers set to mist ready to lightly mist the West-facing runs, which will not get the afternoon shade that the East-facing runs will.

  • We are checking on them during the hottest part of the day and are ready to give them a cool-water dip if they are panting or looking distressed.

  • If we had kiddie pools, we would be filling them and putting frozen blocks of water with blueberries in them to entice the birds to go wading. Adding kiddie pools to the shopping list.

  • What else? What are you doing?

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