Ah Luv Olives

Olive-colored eggs that is. Today I found this in the nesting box.

This is my first home-bred Oliver, laid by a pullet hatched from a Whiting True Blue hen covered by an Oliver rooster. I’m so pleased it is green, and not khaki. Here are some other beauties from today’s egg basket.

Breeding Olivers is a bit of an adventure as I never know what the off-springs’ eggs will look like. My Oliver pen has two Roosters that hatched from dark green eggs covering blue-laying hens — Splash Ameraucanas and Whiting True Blues. The chicks hatch out in all sorts of colors and grow-out the same: anything from a blond splash to a soft-grey with muffs and penciled feathers. One of my prettiest flocks, but it’s the egg basket variety that I love. The shades of sage to robin’s egg and the speckles . . . I’ve always had a soft spot for the speckles.

Olive Egger Hatch Dates

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Stella Stargazer


Avian Bird Flu