Oliver Pen

I love my Olive Egger pen. I know I keep going on and on about it, but it’s really come together! The star of the pen is King Oliver. This is the egg he hatched out and what he looks like today.

He is very faithful to attend to the needs of his hens, finding them treats and calling them over. And of course, contributing his gorgeous speckling green egg genes to the off-spring.

Because I like a pretty bird as much as I like a pretty egg basket, his hens are all pretty girls. Two Splash Ameracuanas hens and two Whiting True Blues — all blue egg layers — should give us off-spring that carry the genetics for a brighter green egg and maybe with speckles!

This is how blue the Ameraucana eggs are and the Whiting True Blues lay even brighter, with a glossy finish. And look how stinkin’ cute those chicks are!

To get darker green eggs, I’ll cover the next generation of hens with a Wheaten Marans, who will contribute a dark brown gene. My dream Oliver pen will have one of each rooster (an Oliver and a Marans), and hens that lay bright blue or green.

Do note, please that none of these birds are black. It is oh so common to develop Olivers by putting a Black Copper Marans over an Ameraucana and getting a Black chick. Boring! No Black Copper Marans in this line.

Upcoming Hatches

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Swedish Flower Hens aka Skånsk Blommehöna Hatching Eggs & Chicks


New Line of Olivers Coming Soon!