
Are you just planning on just one round of chicks? Let me save you the trouble of gathering up all the necessary supplies. For a modest fee, I will rent to you a brooder and all the accoutrements you need to get started. You’ll pay a deposit at pick-up and when your chickies are grown, you return the well-cleaned items and get your deposit back! How simple is that?

We have four sizes of brooders and each one will include

  • wall-mounted feeder

  • rabbit waterer

  • either a brooder plate or a lizard bulb and fixture

  • corner bed

  • a couple of puppy pads and fluff to get you started

  • medicated chick starter to get you started

The deposit will be roughly the amount I would need to spend to replace all the stuff, so if you decide to keep all or some, that’s fine too.

To reserve your brooder, set a Brooder Rental Pick-Up Appointment. Ideally, set your pick-up appointment for the day before your chick appointment, so that it can be all set up and warmed up when the chicks arrive.

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